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[Frowler][Video][Craft File]Passenger Plane To The Mun (Or Minmus) And Back

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It probably can vertical land just I didn\'t feel like trying to I spent 3 hours just getting it to go up.

Well, you achieved VTO, which is very impressive for a craft of its size, and I applaud you.

Now I must go to sleep, for it is 3AM.

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New craft file!I\'ll start working on that now. :D

Edit: Here\'s the video.

You do realize, i was the first one to suggest it ;)

also once you get it to land vertically, make it take off not backwards, not forwards, straight up :D

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You do realize, i was the first one to suggest it ;)

also once you get it to land vertically, make it take off not backwards, not forwards, straight up :D

Well if I try to put the VTOL motors straight the whole plane does a front flip and explodes.

If I try to put motors on the back to counteract the backward thrust the rocket flips and explodes.

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Well if I try to put the VTOL motors straight the whole plane does a front flip and explodes.

If I try to put motors on the back to counteract the backward thrust the rocket flips and explodes.

Well then, you just gotta place em at the right angle and precisley- ah what the heck good job.

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