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PC and 5.1 Surround Help


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I am trying to connect my PC to my TV via a 5.1 surround sound system. It works like this:   PC-HDMI-Surround sound system-HDMI-TV.

The picture works fine, the problem is that windows detects the surround system as stereo and so sends only stereo sound. The rear speakers just output the same sound as the front two. 

I have all the latest drivers installed and have tried various fixes from around the web but non seem to work. 

The HDMI is connected to my graphics card as there is no slot for HDMI to motherboard. 

Does any one here know how to fix it?


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Do other sources (Cable box, Blu-Ray, etc.) send 5.1 sound via the HDMI connection?

* oh, just saw the sentence about the HDMI being on the graphics card. You may be out of luck; you'd need to consult the graphics card manufacturer's technical support. AND the motherboard's, since they need to talk to each other for it to happen.

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What is the graphics card, and what is the sound card (is it on the motherboard)? Does the sound card even support 5.1 out of any of its connections?

I presume you're talking about a Panasonic A/V receiver (sound system), and I agree it is probably a problem with the capabilities of the computer itself, not the receiver.

Edited by pincushionman
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The pc definitely supports surround sound. I have done before but through the motherboard. This time however i am using the HDMI output of the graphics card (Radeon HD 7870). 

The Microsoft people said it was a problem with the surround system so i will look through the settings to see if i can fix it.

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It worked for a moment! I tried uninstalling my Realtek drivers as I think they may be conflicting with the AMD ones. The 5.1 option showed up but it said the speakers where in use so i restarted then Realtek came back??? I will try again.

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Does your computer have the extra audio jacks on the back for surround sound output? If it does, can you connect to your surround sound system using those instead, or plug your speakers directly into your computer?

For example, my computer has options in the HD Realtek Audio Manager to configure my speaker output for Stereo (2 channel), Quadraphonic (4 channel), 5.1 (6 channel), or 7.1 (8 channel), and configures the rear audio jacks accordingly. Also note that your motherboard may have a specific audio manager that is supposed to be using. I'm running on an ASUS Z-97AR, and it came with an ASUS branded version of the aforementioned program.

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I suggest to connect your soundcard to your HiFi equipment with an digital optical or coaxial cable then set you digital output in the soundcard settings to 5.1 or whatever HiFi configuration you have.


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