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I just made it to the Mun.


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I flew to the Mun with my Xenatan 7 rocket, landed safely in the Xenatan Munar Lander (seen in the picture), and returned safely.

Compare this to all of my other attempts (crash at 400m/s, crash while in 1000x time warp, land safely but lack landing gear and everything but the capsule explodes).

Now for minmus. The same lander should work, and the Xenatan 7 has carried stuff well past minmus...

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Really? My usual lander has two quarter-sized fuel tanks and an RCS tank and it usually has plenty of fuel to get home (on RCS if the fuel in the tanks runs out)

Your lander is a lot smaller and lighter than the Xenatan Munar Lander. Yours looks to be a bit over 1 meter wide, mine\'s probably a little less than 4.

EDIT: Actually, your lander would probably be closer to 2 meters with the landing legs down. Mine has static legs, so it\'s ALWAYS that wide.

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Very true, I need to design some larger landers, one capable of crushing your puny Xenaten >:D

It\'s XenaTAN, and I\'m actually considering making my entire Xenatan 7 rocket into the lander. Then I could land the massive thing on Minmus, return to kerbin, deploy my parachute, and use it alongside my engines to make a safe landing.

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Alright, my Single Stage to Minmus and Back rocket (a Xenatan 7 with landing legs and some RCS, normally contained in the lander but this time the rocket IS the lander) is almost ready. The PlanTM is to fly the SSTMAB up to Minmus orbit, but reversed in direction (something that the craft is certainly capable of), land as gently on Minmus as possible with its BIG MEATY HUNK OF 7 1 METER ENGINES GLUED TO A 3 METER FUEL TANK, fly back to Kerbin, fly low until over land (assuming I start out over water, if not, skip this step), deploy the parachute, and land safely. All without creating a single peice of debris (unless I crash and some bits survive, of course).

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