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Game keeps crashing after 2-3 launches

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For quite some time now I've had problems with my game crashing. There are in particular two scenarios where this happens, first one is if I switch between the launchpad and the VAB/SPH while testing designs. After 2-3 switches my game will crash. Another scenario this happens is whenever I try to land a space plane or space shuttle anywhere on Kerbin. Mid atmo the game will crash leaving a crash report I have no idea how to interpret. :(

I have tried all the go-to solutions, like checking how much ram is consumed, reinstalling the game and updated all my mods. I'm not a heavy mod user, but I don't know if there are any conflicts between mods. I started using CKAN this weekend, hoping that getting all my mods refreshed would fix this but there seems to be no difference.

I had two crashes today and I am getting sick of troubleshooting this myself when I dont know how to read the crash reports. I was hoping someone could take a look at them for me and see if there are any obvious conflicts that are causing this. See the dropbox file, here I have attached the two latest crashes where one happened while landing the Space shuttle, and another from swapping between hangar and pad. Thank you all for helping out!




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If it's OK, I'd like to piggyback no this thread, because I have the same issue.

In my case, I have installed GC Monitor, and the Ram usage seems "OK" before crashing, so as to say "sometimes it's more and doesn't crash". I checked all log files for any hints of "alloc" or "memory" or anything, but for the life of me can't find any hints of a memory problem.

I will update this post later with my installed mods. @Valkyria90 could you post yours as well? Maybe we can learn something from the intersection.


My system:

CPU: Intel i5 4690K
Memory: 8GB

Here's my thread: 


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Its not due to the pc then, I would try running ksp without any mods to see if it happens. If it still is a problem it isnt a mod. Otherwise-

Use half of mods

If it works check other half, if not, check half of the original half.

Simply narrow it down to the specific mod that is causing the problem.


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Tried with half of my mods, no crash. Tried with the other half, no crash. Tried mixing some mods and removing random mods, and adding mods = no crash.

Ram usage never over 3.2gb and I tried in openGL but it still crashes and game looks horrible :(

I'm running out of ideas for what's wrong

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Hmm, I have no idea. However, I have noticed if you click on things too fast, the game can crash. So when in a menu wait for a few seconds and it might work. Somehow it overloads itself when a new view starts to render before the old has finished loading.

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