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yeah definitely, it will at least get us started. Post how much you will draw from the pool then I will deduct it and let Don know.

And thanks issarlk, I\'ll add you to the OP

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Man I\'m rubbish at building small and efficient ships... this campaign has been a real challenge! (in a good way)

I can\'t realize a design that beats awaras\' numbers on the small end, but I just whipped up a moderately heavy lifter that can put 39 mass into the 200km orbit for around $95,000 after salvage (which would be $2,435/unit). It\'s a little inefficient and I have no LFE research yet, but hopefully in a few turns I\'ll have a competing design. I suppose I\'m pointing out that more mass per launch is better in general (it would be silly to launch a rocket for just one RCS block, yaknow).

That 8.4 design sounds like a good start. I think lifting only 4 mass might have been a bit stingy :)

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That\'s great, db. I knew larger craft would be more cost efficient but I never considered making one that big because I figured we wouldn\'t be able to afford them any time soon... It\'s worth looking into...

Can you post a bit more info about your rocket? Not the design itself of course but number of engines/fuel tanks, that sort of thing...

On a side note, we have to lift 108.9 units of weight into orbit...

Your design could complete the construction project with just 3 launches... :D

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One caveat I should include is that I\'m using two of the payload LFEs for a bit of thrust (is that okay, don?). Those, plus 6 engines and 24 tanks are the crux of the lifter. (the price before salvage was $120k, btw)

I\'m working on a redesign for efficiency, and to take in account that the capsule won\'t come down -- we need 4 capsules up there in the end anyway.

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im not sure on how strict this particular \'rule\' is but the command pods go up last as well. But i totally agree than designing a lifter which is priced by cost per unit mass is much more efficient, but we also want to be able to afford such a rocket. im sure it would be cheaper to send up it all in one go, but that would be one monster rocket.

That or this an actual \'optimal\' cargo mass. My designs aren\'t getting anywhere near Awaras\', probably because of his high tech level.

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But DB was able to beat my per unit price... So bigger IS better.

What would be the optimal investment per turn we should work toward? When designing my lifter I specifically did not want to go over 40K because I considered that would be too expensive for us at this stage...

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Don mentioned that we can\'t use payload engines on the way up, so disregard my price-beating (to an extent). We could try for ~10 mass on the first launch if it\'s cheap enough, similar to your newer design. Maybe a bit more if it looks worth it in the cost-per-unit metric.

Bigger is better, but I\'m always worried about failed missions too -- even though I love making sky monsters. I\'ve got a legit, and horrifying, 53 mass lifter on the pad that should work after I perfect the winglet placement. It\'s expensive (and looks like a suspension bridge) and I\'d never risk the pool money on a contraption this idiotic. I really am a sucker for behemoths. :(

Edit: yeah this design is a nightmare to get right. Time to get serious and try some viable launch vehicles!

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OK, I have a design that can lift 14 fuel tanks (35 units of mass) for $97200 ($56135 after salvage) which comes out to $1603 per unit of mass after salvage. (This is if I purchase the next fuel tech this turn. If I wait a few more turns and purchase fuel tech too, the cost would go down to $85400, $47285 after salvage for $1351 per unit of mass).

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Just sent in my turn too. I like putting in something each turn (takes the sting out of putting in a huge lump) but if my calculations are correct, I have under 500 :o after research + expenses before the income rolls in. Can\'t fill the pool more this turn, I\'m just hoping no catastrophes plague my mission so I can keep at this next turn. I\'m liking the idea of sub 2000 per mass launch vehicles.

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thanks arawas, i too will contribute to the pool. I think if we can reach 50000 monies in the pool for our first launch, using your lifter design, then thats cool by me. Bigger is obviously better for cost per unit mass, but we also need to be wary of overly expensive rockets for two reasons, being able to get stuff up there next turn (this turn no launch I agree) and the potential for failure.

edit: and I add 2000 to the pool this turn, about as much as I can afford.

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I started experimenting with aerospike engines which I might buy next turn...

I have a design that can lift 21 fuel tanks (52.5 units of mass) for $91700 ($52520 after salvage) which makes it a nice round $1000 per unit of mass after salvage.

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Orbital Rendez-vous and assembly is implied.

Does this mean we only need to get the parts into the orbit, or have some fuel left to do a rendezvous, or actually do a rendezvous once we have a target?

This might change later lifter designs if it is the last one.

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I\'ve had a busy past few days, weddings and all sorts of shinanigans, so sorry about not being o the ball, i\'ll input the new pool data now.

Awaras, do you want to do that aerospike rocket design then? And wait until the pool is big enough for it

I\'ve also yet to do my turn so busy blitzing that ^^ will edit this with my own pool contribution in a bit

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I\'ve had a busy past few days, weddings and all sorts of shinanigans, so sorry about not being o the ball, i\'ll input the new pool data now.

Awaras, do you want to do that aerospike rocket design then? And wait until the pool is big enough for it

I\'ve also yet to do my turn so busy blitzing that ^^ will edit this with my own pool contribution in a bit

I don\'t actually HAVE aerospike tech yet. But I probably will next turn. I\'ll let you know at the start of next turn. OK?

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