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Astronomically Amazing


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Figured it would be an appropriate first post to ramble a bit on how impressed I am at this game. I ought to give a shoutout to Northerlion (http://www.youtube.com/user/Northernlion) for introducing me to it while I\'m at it.

I just picked up the game this past weekend. This is such a great concept for a game it\'s shocking that it hasn\'t been done before (or if it has I\'m certainly not aware of it!). And yet I know of multitudes of games like Train Simulators. The fact that this group could take such a simple yet excellent idea and add so many features is fantastic! Seeing the features planed for later versions of the game is exciting too. There\'s certainly a lot of potential to build upon what is available now! :)

Another thing I\'m pleasantly surprised by is how active the members of the community are. Although I haven\'t had to use it yet things like the graphics mod to make the game run smoother are great to see! It\'s really great to see people helping each other out. Also I really appreciate the various tutorials, hints and tips people have posted on the forum and on the wiki.

Right now I just have the demo, but I\'d like to support the game and buy the full version. However, I am having an issue that causes a crash. I\'d make a thread in the support forum but it seems like everything there is focused on v15 (aka the full version). Is it okay to ask for assistance with an issue in the demo?

Otherwise I really appreciate the concept of the game and although there\'s obviously a lot more to be added I am trying to fully explore the possibilities presented in the demo. So far I\'ve:

-Established an orbit around Kerbin

-Punched the face of Mun

-Launched far into the black abyss, dooming my astronauts to an eternity of nothingness

Is there more that can be done in the demo I\'m not seeing? I know the features in the full version allow for a plethora of greater possibilities.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone that has contributed to this game and this community. So far everything\'s been a whole lot of fun and I hope it will be even moreso in the future! :)

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Welcome to the KSP Forums!

You can ask about problems with the Demo. Just bear in mind that it\'s unlikely that it will be updated anytime soon. Also, any issues you may have with it are likely fixed in the latest version.

Happy Launching!


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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