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Guten Tag! Hola! And Hello!

I found this game after Northernllion expoed it on youtube and have since fallen in love, quickly 'donated' the $15 to get me the full version, an amazing game. Of which I have a few questions, how does one move their planes to the airstrip instead of the launch pad? I tried manually moving but my plane keeps falling through the planet. Also is it normal with larger rockets causing the altimeter to blank out and go wild? With my largest rockets I am essentially flying blind becase the altimeter blanks out.

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Zdorovo! To move the craft, move it from VAB to SPH folder. You might have to rotate it afterwards, don\'t remember. As for altimeter blanking out, this only happened to me when I was using certain mod part, got rid of it, all back to normal. Some say altimeter might blank out with a heavy rocket on a weak computer - not sure about that. Anyways, it is a known bug.

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Sounds like KSP is too heavy for your computer. I had this bug too and it seems to be caused at high lag.

To decrease lag, you can

  • [li]Check if your CPU fan needs to be cleaned[/li]
    [li]Run task manager as administrator and set KSP.exe\'s priority to realtime[/li]
    [li]Open settings.cfg in your KSP folder, search it for [tt]name = OceanPQS[/tt]. The line below it is called [tt]minDistance[/tt], set the value to 3 or 2 and your lag will greatly decrease, at the cost of the visual sea level being around 1m lower[/li]

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Yeah, I had lagout on the altimeter too. What I do is I use the altimeter position to get my bank, then use the map to watch my apoapsis. When I get the initial launch and some of the big engines are gone, I flip to space center and back to reset the altimeter.

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