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Would You Rather


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6 hours ago, DolphinDude3 said:

Thrown out the airlock, spaaaaace!


Would you rather be teleported to the atmosphere of Venus or Jupiter? (Without a jetpack or aircraft or... you get the idea, anything that'll keep you from falling down)

Venus, the upper atmosphere has survivable pressure and temperature(No oxygen though, and acidic rain).


Would you rather kick a wall with a toothpick under your toenail or get scratched all over your body and then jump into a pool of lemon juice?

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Mars. for one, that indicates we made it there in the first place, and for two it's just more pleasant there in terms of dying conditions. For three, eveything is red, so NO ONE CAN SEE ME BLEED.

would you rather live in brave new world or the hunger games


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