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Rockets stuck on launchpad

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I'm running KSP v1.0.5, with a lot of mods.  I've been having this issue since I started playing 1.0.5 a few weeks ago.  I've read a lot of the threads about rockets getting stuck in the launch pad due to clipping into the launch pad but this isn't the issue.  It seems that if I add a non-command pod that can hold crew to a craft and then try and launch the rocket, it just sits there.  Engines going full blast but it's not going anywhere.  

I even did some experimenting to try and figure out what is going on.  I would attach command pods to a TT18-A stock launch clamp and then launch.  On the launch pad if I release the launch clamp the command pod will crash to the ground.  Craft using those modules are fine.  If I then either attach a non-command pod with crew capacity to the command pod or just attach the non-command pod right to a launch clamp and then release the clamp it just hangs there in the air.

I tried a few other things as well.  I used hyper edit to put these craft with non-command pods in orbit.  When in orbit they are just fozen in the same position.  You can't turn the craft at all.  It doesn't seem to matter if it's a stock non-command pod or a mod pod.  If it's not listed under "pods" in the VAB but can hold crew it just makes my rockets sit there and not go anywhere.  It's like it's acting like a barrier or just frozen there.

All other parts in the game seem fine, it's just these non-command pods.  I even removed one of these non-command pods from a rocket and the rest of the rocket launched fine.  It's making building bases and stations almost impossible.

Has anyone else had this issue?

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