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Model Rocketry Thread


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Isn\'t that a high grade plastic explosive?

Yes... but could it not be used to launch a rocket? I know bugger all about this... I just think 'Gunpowder is an explosive, and that can be used as rocket fuel, semtex is an explosive... ergo...'

I\'m probably completely wrong.

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The difference between high explosives (like semtex) and other explosives (like gunpowder) can basically be summed up as this; if you put a low explosive into a tube with one end open, the pressure produced will just come out of the tube (and you\'ve got a rocket). If you put a high explosive into a tube, open ended or not, it\'ll explode.

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I see. So no semtex.

Anyway, I launched my Alpha III... sadly I only got one decent photo, and it\'s not of the launch itself just me setting up. As far as video goes, I got nothing. My brother was supposed to be recording, but he was standing too far back and doesn\'t seem to know how to use a camera so the footage was useless.

And on top of that, the wind carried the rocket quite a long way away. Not entirely sure where it is, but we think we\'ve found a likely spot using what we saw + google maps. Going to see if I can find it now.

Despite that, it was a great launch. Left the pad perfectly, and VERY fast... got up to a very high altitude... not sure but at a guess I\'d say 500ft-ish... the chute popped perfectly and it sailed down gently. Just a shame about the wind.

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My launch didn\'t go so well...

In fact, it didn\'t go at all.

Fuse failed to ignite main SRB, which resulted in nothing much happening. I took it to bits and I\'m hoping to obtain a sparkler for a more decisive ignition system.

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Didn\'t manage to find my rocket. I think it\'s ended up in a field 500m from the launch site, and there doesn\'t seem to be any easy way to get there to have a look. Figure I might as well pay a tenner for a new rocket for all the hassle it\'d be trying to find the thing.

Not sure whether to go for the same or a different one.

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Didn\'t manage to find my rocket. I think it\'s ended up in a field 500m from the launch site, and there doesn\'t seem to be any easy way to get there to have a look. Figure I might as well pay a tenner for a new rocket for all the hassle it\'d be trying to find the thing.

Not sure whether to go for the same or a different one.

Thats unfortunite, yours was an Estes Model? Was there much work in constructing the model?

I\'d think, try different model after all theres hundreds of them.

My launch didn\'t go so well...

In fact, it didn\'t go at all.

Fuse failed to ignite main SRB, which resulted in nothing much happening. I took it to bits and I\'m hoping to obtain a sparkler for a more decisive ignition system.

Any pictures/movies to go with that launch?

In the event of launch failure, is it advised to quench the boosters in water, meaning it cant ignite accidently?

As for my rocket program, its on hold.

Waiting for my safety equipment to arrive: KSP Branded T-Shirt. :D

On a serious note, I have been unable to confirm is it even LEGAL to store an fire Black Powder rockets in N Ireland,

there is no Rocket Clubs (Not a great sign) an no information in direct relation to them.

The only law I can find, is in relation to FireArm\'s + Explosives, an there prohibited without license (Firearms).

Explosives (High Powered) are illegal, except for companies using in demolition.

To clarify, if there Legal/illegal, I have tried contacting the FireArms devision of the PSNI. ::)

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Thats unfortunite, yours was an Estes Model? Was there much work in constructing the model?

I\'d think, try different model after all theres hundreds of them.

It was an Alpha III, which is in the E2X series so construction was almost as basic as you can get. Might go for one with a little more work in the construction.

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Any pictures/movies to go with that launch?

In the event of launch failure, is it advised to quench the boosters in water, meaning it cant ignite accidently?

There are a few videos, but nothing interesting enough to post. I left the rocket for a good half hour before taking it to pieces, and I must have left it for, oh, two minutes after failed ignition before picking it up and looking down the end. XD

As for my rocket program, its on hold.

Waiting for my safety equipment to arrive: KSP Branded T-Shirt.

I have something similar. My safety equipment consisted of a NASA T-shirt, and a WWII brodie helmet, complete with camouflage netting.

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I was in London today. I passed by a Model Zone store, and it occured to me that they may just have some Estes Rockets in stock... so I went in and sure enough they had some. Not a huge selection, but I ended up getting the Patriot Missile model... Heavier than the Alpha III, so should hold up better in the wind.

I\'ll make sure to get good photos and video this time.

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Sounds good!

I managed to scrounge some sparklers off\'f my girlfriend\'s parents, so hopefully no more dud ignitions for me.

(I\'ve yet to be bothered enough to make a car-battery-and-crocodile-clips ignition, so I\'m stuck with fuses for now.)

Waiting for a gap in the awful scottish highland weather now, tomorrow looks promising...

Looking forward to your success LukeTim!

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I am interested in see\'ing what you guys come up with!

On my end:

I have recieved my safety T-Shirt! :o

White with KSP Logo on the Front, saying 'More Boosters'

On the Back, 'I am a Rocket Scientist: If you see me running, try an keep up!'

Should get some funny looks, an people enquiring what KSP stands for! Free advertising, an potentially more members, when I get the chance to wear it. ;)

On the Legal front, well what can one expect! Not a word from the PSNI...

Generally speaking, there as useful as a Chocolate Tea Cup! ::)

So may have to start experimenting within days with a few basic rocket designs.

My Manned ARIES Rockets: (Egg + Diet Coke + Mentos) for some Youtube fun. =P

Then, who knows...

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Awesome launch! that good some good altitude :D I like the parachute.

How do the Estes rockets deploy parachutes, by the way? I\'ve designed my own shopping bag parachute deployment with a separation charge and a small heat shield, but I\'m sure there\'s an easier (and lighter) way to do it than loading a blob of spare rocket fuel under a metal cap, to push the parachute off...

My launch is T-100 minutes, or there abouts... :S

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Awesome launch! that good some good altitude :D I like the parachute.

How do the Estes rockets deploy parachutes, by the way? I\'ve designed my own shopping bag parachute deployment with a separation charge and a small heat shield, but I\'m sure there\'s an easier (and lighter) way to do it than loading a blob of spare rocket fuel under a metal cap, to push the parachute off...

My launch is T-100 minutes, or there abouts... :S

At the top of the Engine, there is a small ejection charge which forces the nose cap to come off, the nose cap is attached to the body by the \'shock cord\' which is just a length of elastic. The parachute is tied to this shock cord.

In order to ensure that the parachute isn\'t damaged by the ejection charge, you have to stuff the rocket body tube with some fireproof wadding before you pack in the parachute.

It\'s a neat system, works well. There\'s other recovery systems, too... such as streamers, which provide some deceleration but not as much as parachutes.

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hmm, I\'ve not heard of this \'fireproofing\' of which you speak. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with the plastic drogue parachute only 1.5mm away from the actual charge itself? :S

Also, does the Estes engine go the full length of the rocket body, or is it just a small thing at the bottom?

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hmm, I\'ve not heard of this \'fireproofing\' of which you speak. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with the plastic drogue parachute only 1.5mm away from the actual charge itself? :S

Also, does the Estes engine go the full length of the rocket body, or is it just a small thing at the bottom?

Well, with an Estes Engine, at least, the parachute could melt, or get a bunch of holes in it... When you see the wadding afterwards, it gets pretty well singed for the most part so the charge must fire out some fairly hot embers.

It doesn\'t go the full length, no... most of the space is taken up by the wadding and parachute.

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Wonderful launch Luke.

I am envious, that you can use rockets so freely..

May I ask:

What grade of Rocket did you use? ie, the Black Powder cartridge grade?

Was that the basic Estes Launch Pad, or the bigger version?

Does the launch pad, come with some form of level, or adjusters, to help level it perfectly vertical?

An importantly will Patriot, launch again?

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Here\'s a picture at one of my launches. I couldn\'t find any good pics or videos of it in-flight, since it\'s rather hard to film such a fast object. This was the Estes 'Stormcaster' and if I remembre correctly I used a C11-3 engine, or something around there. I\'ll be sure to film and take pictures at my next launch and try to post it here!


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CATO. Again.

XD more spectacular this time, the whole rocket exploded, and the command module got launched a good 30m into the air, and landed in a field. The pilot\'s still in there, and the search is called off for tonight, as it\'s dark.

However, this sets my flight record from 35cm to 30m, which is a drastic improvement.

The cause of failure was an acellerated burn rate under high pressure, coupled with an inadequate sealing of the top of the SRB tube, meaning that the exhaust, instead of coming out the nozzle, fired out through the separation charge, launching the whole parachute and capsule assembly into the sky. As you can tell, this anomaly meant that the launch did not take place, although a new height record for the capsule was set.

Goals for next mission: proper sealing of SRB tube. Improved capsule retrieval system (my girlfriend gets upset when we can\'t find the beetle that was in the CM)

Videos and images to follow.

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