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Kerbals missing/dying when recovering

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I happily landed a ship with a ton of science and 4 heroic Kerbals. I happily recovered the ship. Got the bunch of science and the recovery message box told me that the 4 Kerbals were recovered, they got the xp and stuff. Final Frontier summary also popped up. I hit the Done button and when I checked the Final Frontier window and the Astronaut Complex they all say that these 4 Kerbals died.

I reloaded the quicksave, exited the Kerbals, recovered the ship and than the Kerbals separately from the Tracking Station screen. Result is 4 dead Kerbals.

They had plenty of USI Life Supply, and the respective setting was set to turn off the dying part of this certain mod.


I carry the save since earlier versions and I'm playing a stable 1.04 version until 1.1. This phenomenon didn't happen before.

I also found a similar topic but I didn't want to necro it. 


What may be the problem?

(On the other hand, how can I properly resurrect my dead Kerbals?)

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