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Vulture (ground strike craft) [BDArmory] [FAR] [KJR]

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The Vulture is one of my more functional craft designs, since it is quite maneuverable yet stable. It's designed for FAR, KJR and Dynamic Deflection, warranty void if exposed to stock atmosphere/physics.

Abort triggers the emergency cockpit separation, intended for the pilot surviving aerodynamic failures / wings made of Swiss cheese. Abort does not work well if the plane is nosediving into the ground due to the time it takes for the chutes to deploy.
It carries 8 AGM missiles, a targeting pod, a radar receiver, and a mostly useless ECM pod (since it drains too much electricity to have on all the time). Power is provided by both the turbofan as well as a fuel cell.
Secondary armaments are 2 rocket pods and a vulcan.
By default, all my craft carry a probe core because I keep obliterating them and I would go through too many kerbals if I didn't always use them.



I have tuned BDA's AI pilot for the plane to reliably work, or at least not immediately nosedive into the ground, so have fun!

Requires BDArmory to load.

Edited by hyf97ca
added 2ndary arms
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