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1/2 Mile (800m-ish) Drag Race Challenge

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Top 4 winners will be featured in my next video, and subsequently raced against each other. 

Will be linked here in case you wanna see it

[Reserved for video]

Challenge will last until Monday (3/28)

Recommended Mods:
Kerbal Foundries

Required Mod(s):
BahamutoD's Burn Together
Buffalo MSEV


{Reserved for the leaderboard]



I can't find this mod on the SpaceDock, so I put a zip here. I got it from the KerbalStuff Torrent that had all the mods on it before it was taken down
*Note I don't own this mod, duh*

Submissions will be judged by:

  1. Top Speed within 5 real-time seconds
  2. Overall Speed
  3. Ability to slow down (not a huge factor tho, so don't worry too much)
  4. and Aesthetics... lol not really ;) 
  5. Oh, and most importantly, THE FINISH TIME!! :D


  1. No jet engines
  2. No rockets (sepratrons are acceptable, but only a max of 4 @ half fuel, 2 @ 2/3rd fuel, 1 @ full fuel)
  3. Part count under 150
  4. Must have the JetWing parachute from the Buffalo mod (if you choose to have one) (This is the only parachute that works for me... A stupid bug)
  5. Must have at least 1 EAS-1 External Command Seat for a Kerbal
  6. Must submit a screen shot of your car + a link to KerbalX of your craft. *MANDATORY, ELSE I WON'T FEATURE IT*
  7. Must be named DRV then any personal name you choose
  8. If you have Action Groups they *MUST* be as follows:
    AG 1 - Sepratron 1 (singular or double)
    AG 2 - Sepratron 2 ("")
    AG 3 - Parachute (Optional)
  9. Last but not least, the MOST IMPORTANT rule
    HAVE. FUN!
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
  • Optional Challenge(s):
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Make a motorcycle that can stand upright on it's own
  • Make a trike
  • Build it in as few parts with as little mass as possible
Edited by stickman939
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