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The Spitray Company


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Ok, This is something I have wanted to do for some time. I'm creating a series of aircraft for KSP and want them to be know about. I will treat it like an aircraft designing company for KSP, with different variants. The Spitray was an idea that I came up with some time ago but never was able to share the designs.

In the future I hope to upload the aircraft designed by me and my friends.

I will start making and uploading the craft when the 1.1 update comes out and will hope to have many different types of ships.

So in short, I am head of the "Company" and I shall start designing the ships as soon as possible. Me and my friend will create as many good aircraft as we can, we shall compare and only upload ones that are exceptionally good. Any aircraft submitted by my friend will be verified by me because I have had the game since 0.23 and I consider myself to be quite good at the game.

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