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Icus Space Flight Laboratories

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I am going to use this thread to post all the craft that i build, that i think at least worthy of sharing.


These are some tags i\'ll be using to explain whats needed for each build.

{S} - Fully stock parts, no mods needed

{M} - Uses parts from a mod or more

{MM} - Uses parts from many mods

Each craft will have a screenshot, download link and eventually a video for each of them. Also might include some notes about the craft.

Gound Vehicles (All will have mods installed!)

NEW! - Icus Atlas Mobile Crane


.Craft File Download Link - http://www.filedropper.com/icusatlasmobilecrane

Notes - I had fun building this

Atmospheric Flyers

Icus KA-088 ( +1 Variants) {M}

Icus KA-088 -


Icus KA-088-2 (Extra Fueltanks) -


Video - Icus KA 088

Icus KA-088 .Craft File Link - http://www.filedropper.com/icuska-088

Icus KA-088-2 .Craft File Link - http://www.filedropper.com/icuska-088-2

Notes: Originally built to have a Mun buggy attached underneath that can be dropped anywhere on kerbin to explore a bit, but the buggy kept blowing up on landing, despite 4 parachutes, its wheels extended and some legs to try and break the fall, so that got removed and i\'m leaving it as a nice flyer.

Gliders & Carriers

Falcon 1 & Big Eagle 1 {S}


Video - KSP My glider

.Craft file link - http://www.filedropper.com/falcon1bigeagle1

Notes; This is my first craft i\'ve shared, it is quite a poorly made glider and parent ship, but it works.

Orbital Craft

Icus Kerbin Orbiter V1 {S}

This is the complete rocket.


This is Stage 2 of the rocket.


This is the final, lander stage of the rocket.


Here is the lander after a sucessful launch, orbit and landing.


Landers location after sucess.


And finally, here is the Stage 3 Debris still in orbit (proof that stable orbit was achieved).


.Craft File Download Link - http://www.filedropper.com/icuskerbinorbiter

Notes: i\'m well pleased with this rocket. 3rd stage gets the ship out off the atmosphere, the 2nd stage boosts the ship into a circular orbit, then the final stage gets the lander back down onto the planet, with half tank fuel to spare :)

Mun Landing Craft

None Yet.

Minmus Landing Craft

non yet

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Added a new ship! yay! The Icus Kerbin Orbiter


More screenshots and .craft file in spoiler in first post!

edit: and tried landing on the Mun with the Icus Kerbin Orbiter V1... this is the closest i\'ve ever gotten to a successful landing on the Mun!


soo soo close to a nice landing, the craft was moving sideways more than downwards so its horizontal impact with the ground was enough to rip off the legs and engine and other modules leaving the command pod to slide along the ground until it came to a stop... rescue mission? are the kerbal\'s worth it? lol

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