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[RESOLVED] Flew FAR jets in stock 1.1 souposphere, not impressed.

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Yep. Tried a new install. Here's my F-16 doing Mach 2.8 at altitude:


IDK what was broken about my previous install... Oh horrors. All of my earlier stock planes won't..

Wait. I don't have any because I couldn't get stock planes to act like planes until now.

Edited by Pds314
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18 minutes ago, regex said:

Well, I'm glad that's sorted out.  I was all like "dude, it's not nearly that bad..."

Yeah. For a day or so I was like "seriously? Pretty sure my old 737 back from .23 was faster than this! And I thought I remember putting a pair of half-full orange tanks on a FAR fighter with nosecones on them and it was still faster than this!"

Maybe having previously had 1.0.5 or FAR in the same install glitched it somehow?

Of course, we've still got this sillyness:



And of course leading-edge slats still don't work right, with negative camber generating positive lift and positive camber generating negative lift, but that's more an issue with the model than something easily fixed.

Edited by Pds314
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