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Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks SpaceX is delusional about going to Mars


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43 minutes ago, AngelLestat said:

Because MCT development, manufacture and reusability makes it very cheap, and because Elon musk is mostly interested to reach mars, if it can get a profit of that it will be for later. So he will provide NASA a price without possible competence. 

This makes no sense whatsoever, and MCT doesn't even exist. On top of that, reuse is unlikely to reduce costs by more than a few % anyway.



silly question, my country has 25 times lower GDP than USA and is not already wasting a big part of that in military.
And spacex is a USA company, so even if a country goes to mars using spacex hardware, it can be viewed as "thanks to USA" in some way.
Well, at the end, only the time will tell, I bet that SpaceX hardware (rocket + ISRU lander vehicle) funded in a 90% by NASA will be used between other NASA tech to go to mars.
Everybody can have his opinion, the time will decide who is right.

You entirely missed the point of my statement. I know nothing about your country's GDP, spending, etc. That is my point, along with the fact that you apparently have as little understanding of the US as I have of your country's spending priorities. You've demonstrated consistently that you don't actually understand how money is spend in US government. You are welcome to an opinion, but it's entirely detached from reality. It's not an attack, you don't live here, you don't "get it," any more than I "get" your country's priorities. BTW, 25X lower GDP is still as much as 2 good US States put together, and if your claims about spacex pricing are correct, that's totally doable. The public school system in the city of NY spends 27 billion a year. I bet you guys could pony up a few billions.

A bunch of us here, myself included, are excited about the current private space race. Some are delusional fanbois, others are more rational about it. You consistently talk about spacex as if they are some sort of substitute for NASA, and that is simply not the case. In addition, if you think that Boeing, LockMart, et al, are going to somehow disappear due to their SpaceX masters... that's just not going to happen.

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50 minutes ago, insert_name said:

how do you determine a percentage of a design, I see nothing about 90% in the pdf you linked, mind telling me how you got this figure and what units you used to measure this ratio?

Is just an estimation made by me in base to all the info that I know about NASA toys.
If it is 80% or 95% instead I does not really matters for the point.

Edited by AngelLestat
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1 hour ago, AngelLestat said:

Because MCT development, manufacture and reusability makes it very cheap, and because Elon musk is mostly interested to reach mars, if it can get a profit of that it will be for later. So he will provide NASA a price without possible competence. 

1 hour ago, Rakaydos said:

Asking what SpaceX mars plan is, is pointless. We know they intend to reveal their mars plan sometime this year. It's not revealed yet. Wait for the facts.



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