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North Korean Space Gubbins Mod?


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Now before you get out your pitchforks and space torches, just hear me out.

I know this might be a sensitive topic to talk about, considering the not-so-good connotations associated with North Korea. But they do happen to have a "Space Agency" (I use that term as loosely as I can), and they do have Rockets, and even a couple of satellites.

I'm not saying I have a mod like this currently in the works. but I just wanted to see if you the Community would be fine with something like it. :wink:




heheh... space labor camps



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Umm...Like a hydrogen bomb mod?

Must resist...

I'm sure there could be launch vehicle/payloads made, but I don't think the...background...would be a good idea.  Oh, this is such a touchy subject...  I'm also sure that tho moderators wouldn't very much appreciate having to be constantly on a thread with people talking about some of the things that may or may not have to do with North Korea or the government.  I think the vehicles are fine though, as long as people are mature enough to keep it on the subject of spaceflight.

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