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howdo you calibrate a joystick?

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i have a black widow joystick and iv been trying for about a week now to get it to work with ksp

but wenever i try to fly a spaceplane or rocket the axes are all way off, as if its completly uncalibrated.

sorry if im being dumb but i could use some help here.

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Try setting it up in windows.

Control Panel -> Hardware & Sound -> Devices and printers. It\'s somewhere else in older versions of windows.

Mess around with double clicking and right clicking and see if there\'s a calibration tool in one of the options. Also your controller might\'ve come with software for that stuff, but they usually put it into the control panel also.

If it\'s not that, I\'d try messing with the dead zone and axis switching settings in KSP.

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allready tried all that, iv calibrated it several times and it works fine my other games

and iv messed with the seisitivity and dead zone sliders in ksp to no end

no matter what i do the joystick is allways horribly uncalibrated, i know other people can get joystick to work with little to no problem so im thinking maybe my specific type of joystic is having compatibility issues or something

i have a black widow with vibration and force feedback

(wow that sounds dirty)

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