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Learned a new word today

Perry Apsis

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Perinegricon--the closest point in an orbit around a black hole. It was used in the Wikipedia article on OJ 287, a likely binary supermassive black hole candidate. In the article, it links to an article called Apsis, which has a lovely table of peri- and apo- suffixes for the sun, the planets (including Pluto),  galaxies, stars, etc. I intend to memorize them all and then find excuses to use them at parties, to single myself out as a highly-educated, and somewhat pedantic, jerk.

It's a pity there's no mythological background for the planet names in the Kerbol system. Sure, we could talk about Perilaythe, but how much more succulent if Laythe were associated with the ancient Kerbal god Lethwe, and we could use Perilethwe. 

I should point out that the article spells the word Perinigricon, with an i instead of an e, but in the table it's listed as perinegricon. I will leave it to better educated and more pedantic... er, individuals than myself to guess which is correct.

Best regards, 

Perry Apsis (no relation!)

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9 hours ago, RainDreamer said:

Supplement to that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_orbits

There is a list of -centric types of orbits, along with many others. Areocentric orbit is an orbit around mars, but it sounds almost like this:


Nice addition, thanks.

It seems almost like a language flaw, similar to the way English has different collective nouns for different things, like a pod of whales, a murder of crows, a wunch of bankers, etc. The feature of having a different name for an aspect of an orbit for each body it could be around has the potential for getting out of hand.

Edited by Perry Apsis
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10 hours ago, Perry Apsis said:

Nice addition, thanks.

It seems almost like a language flaw, similar to the way English has different collective nouns for different things, like a pod of whales, a murder of crows, a wunch of bankers, etc. The feature of having a different name for an aspect of an orbit for each body it could be around has the potential for getting out of hand.

It already has :P

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