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Help! Where will my Probe is going?

JNA Space Program

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4 minutes ago, JNA Space Program said:

i basically use a cheats on this :D. BUT! my JNA Sigehgeh Sputnik 3 is currently at 19414.6 Meters per Second or  69892.55994 KPH or  43429.223333181 MPH and its going out of the trajectory of the Sun. But will it be going to Orbit something or into a new galaxy?

It will just keep more and more slowly raise to its apoapsis, then return since the game doesn't actually allow for you to escape Kerbol orbit. There are no other galaxies in stock KSP. 

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6 minutes ago, ZooNamedGames said:

It will just keep more and more slowly raise to its apoapsis, then return since the game doesn't actually allow for you to escape Kerbol orbit. There are no other galaxies in stock KSP. 

Kerbol escape velocities are possible. You can't leave its sphere of influence but you can make a hyperbolic trajectory with no apoapsis.

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Just now, Red Iron Crown said:

Kerbol escape velocities are possible. You can't leave its sphere of influence but you can make a hyperbolic trajectory with no apoapsis.

It has no listed apo, but there is a theoretical one. You will just continue to fly towards it while slowly growing slower until eventually either you or the game gives up (crashes).

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1 minute ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Hyperbolic is defined as having the form of a hyperbola, not escaping an SoI. A hyperbola is not closed like an ellipse, so it can't have an apoapsis, by definition.

Your correct, it's lacking a proper perigee by definition (or at least a positive). Need to pick up an astrophysics book again :P . Must be getting old.

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33 minutes ago, JNA Space Program said:

i basically use a cheats on this :D. BUT! my JNA Sigehgeh Sputnik 3 is currently at 19414.6 Meters per Second or  69892.55994 KPH or  43429.223333181 MPH and its going out of the trajectory of the Sun. But will it be going to Orbit something or into a new galaxy?


Kerbin orbits the sun at 9,284.4 m/sec. If you achieve that velocity times the square root of 2 ( 13,127.3 m/sec), you have achieved escape velocity and your probe will never fall back. There's nothing programmed into the game beyond Eeloo, so there's nothing out there but empty space. And the Kraken....


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If you're interested in what will happen... the behavior is similar to what happens in minecraft's Far Lands; weird things. The numbers eventually get so huge that they start losing precision and your ship will bounce and jump around and probably break apart. In very old versions of the game, you could also trigger it by going too fast (your speed would lose precision)


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To expand on the orbital mechanics aspect: If your probe is on a hyperbolic trajectory, it will be slowed down as it moves away from the Sun but its speed will always be faster than a certain value, just getting closer and closer to that. That speed is known as the "hyperbolic excess velocity".

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A (perhaps oversimplified) way of explaining why there is no apoapsis... you move away from the sun so fast, that gravity is decreasing at a rate "faster" than its slowing you down.

Consider the sequence 1+1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/32.... if you take the limit of that sequence, it is 2.

So consider an object/s gravity slows you by 1 m/s in one interval, then only 1/2 m/s/s in the next interval... and only 1/4m/s in the enxt interval... and so on.

If you started at 8 m/s/s  you'll only ever get slowed by 2 m/s/s in this scheme... with your speed never dropping below 6m/s/s relative to the object. 6 m/s/s would be the hyperbolic excess velocity, 2 m/s would be escape valocity in this scheme.

Keep in mind, in real life, there is no SOI limit that you can cross and an objects gravitational effect drops to 0.

That doesn't mean everything has an apoapsis around everything else... you can escape the earth even if you can never get far enough away that its gravitational effect is 0... ditto on the sun... and its the same way for Kerbol in KSP since it has no SOI limit.

Edited by KerikBalm
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