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How to see those in-gameTutorials?

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Hello everyone,

recently I found out about the game and so I decided to try it out for myself, demo version, so I can see whether this is something for me or not. Downloaded, got it started, and for the love of God I can\'t see any in-game tutorials. I can turn 'Show VAB Tutorial' and 'Show Flight Tutorial' on/off but nothing seems to happen. I could try to figure this game on my own, but anything more complex than |Command Module-Fuel-Engine| is quickly starting to go nose down and crashing. I have no idea how to make the rocket go more or less straight up, because steering with WSAD only makes things worse. Am I retarded or missing something obvious here? Can\'t find people or topics on this forum with similar problems.

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The tutorials should have been shown when you first started the game. If you want to go back and see them again, you could try deleting the settings.cfg file. That should reset the game to think it\'s being run for the first time.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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