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What do you think about the movie Gattaca, Does Vincent does right by concealing fact about his genetic status?


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Many glorifies the main character as he fights heroically against discrimination in a world dominated by genetic engineering. Where people without genetic modification is treated as inferior. 

Unfortunately, this film glorifies the lies, deception and dishonesty.

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The system is itself a lie because IIRC legally this discrimination was illegal. They are dishonest first.

I don't know how to talk this without entering in politics, so I will only say, every system has rules so you can't almost change it by his rules. That's stability in political terms (I won't enter in if that's good or not)

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This film predicts that next reason for racism can be modified DNA. People with artificial, better, DNA will think that they are better since day they were born, while people made by natural evolution will be second category humans, with lower talents and skills. This is exactly what created very harmful ideologies in past.

Sadly we are going into that direction... people, celebrities after plastic surgeries are considered as prettier, more talented and better. Everything that is artificial is considered as better today... this is not going to end well.

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