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Rocket Stability

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18 hours ago, AeroGav said:

I'll rephrase this again -

I PUT THE XENON IN THE KERBODYNE TANK IN ORDER TO CREATE A 30 TONNE BALLAST TO SIMULATE THE WEIGHT OF THE LANDER OF A  PERSON WHO WAS HAVING TROUBLE PUTTING HIS 30 TONNE LANDER ON MINMUS.      That user hadn't linked a craft file for his lander and was using mods, including a large nuclear reactor for electricity generation, which I did not have installed.   Creating that Kerbo-Xenon tank was the quickest way for me to create a 30 tonne ballast that was about the same size as his lander, so that I could spend more time designing the launcher itself, rather than first trying reverse engineer his Minmus base from a picture.

I'm sure it's still a rubbish rocket but it's the most powerful i've ever built by some margin.  It was done more to challenge myself than help the OP, other more experienced rocketeers had already posted designs.  I normally concentrate on Spaceplanes.  Pretty sure that person was also in a Sandbox game, so cost was irrelevant.

If I remove the Xenon payload, cost drops from 4 and a half million Kredits to 432,000.   Delta V also goes up to 6700.

Xenon is clearly a VERY expensive propellant.  It's also much heavier than an LF/O tank the same size.

I'm sorry I was paying close enough attention, I obviously understand now. I also didn't realize xenon was so expensive, I haven't bothered using it yet. Sorry for the confusion.

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