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Old Rovers are unstable

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15 hours ago, SelectHalfling0 said:

I have a Mun refueling base from 1.0.5, which sustained my interplanetary fleet. Whenever I go to it in 1.1 the rover there (which transports fuel) starts to bounce uncontrollably, destroying the base. If I undock it, the game crashes. Is this a known issue?

Probably not the reply you were hoping for but it seems right now the wheels are plagued with bugs. They range from not moving if clipped or rotated off center to bouncing and causing chaos.
For example my tank in 1.0.5 had the wheels slightly clipped. It used to get up to about 22 m/s
In 1.1 the same tank won't move an inch. However if i go and fix the wheels so they don't clip it will move but it consumes so much electric charge that it gets a max speed of 5-8 m/s

 Unless a moderater says other wise my advice would be just to play around with other things like rockets or maybe planes until all this gets fixed. If not i would say go back to 1.0.5 until it gets resolved

If you use mods Kerbal Foundaries is working on updating to 1.1 and their makers has stated they got their tank tracks working so when they release their 1.1 version it may make for a good temporary fix. That is assuming they beat Squad to fixing the problem

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