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increase crash tolerance of some components

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In career mode, en early game, when I have to test a liquid engine in the water, the engine just melt when I touch the water. With 2 parachutes and minimum weight, I only can slow down to 8 m/s when I need 7 m/s. I can save the engine by turn it on but then the test dont count. What im asking is those components thats expect to touch land/water in a landing have atleast 9m/s crash tolerance for exemple. I just stoped playing kerbal when 1.1 patch was announced and comeback in the release but I remmeber I didnt have this kind of problems before.
And this is just my case, I see ppl that have this kind of problem even with landing gears, thats insane.

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Try landing the engine upside down (with a probe core or something down). Just make sure your parachutes are above the center of mass. That way, the larger crash tolerance will hit the water first. Otherwise, I thing tolerances are fine where they are.


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I wish we would have something like kerbal krash mod in stock. With something like this not only higher crash tolerance would make sense, but also there could be some area for implementing KIS/KAS-like EVA repeairing mechanics. Tank patching, for example.

And stock procedural tanks. The only reason I'm against stock procedural parts is because of the low crash tolerance of them. If a very long tank (that is one part) hits the ground too hard it just dissapears with a relatively small explosion in the middle. Instead it could bend, hit the ground and start releasing the fuel from the holes, simply explode (and leave a scorched piece of mantled metal), or catch fire and slowly burn until it runs out of fuel (though I'm not sure what are the chances of such occurence since it would rather go kaboom instead of slowly burning IRL)..

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On 2016-04-22 at 7:58 AM, Avicena said:

 I can save the engine by turn it on but then the test dont count.

You can run the part test by re-staging the engine.  Add a new stage above the current one, move the engine to it, and press your stage button (default is spacebar).  That will complete the test.

Also you could add more chutes for slower landing speed.

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