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First ascent to orbit question

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I am a begginer in this game, and I have a question about hidden options in "carrer mode".

Which "upgrade" I have to do to make it possible to set apses in the "map"?

I can get to the spase, but I can't set a maneuver on the map, help me please.

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Also worth noting that you don't actually need maneuver nodes just to get into orbit.  You probably won't need to worry about them at all until you're trying to go to the Mun or Minmus.  For orbit, just follow any sort of reasonable ascent path and burn until your apoapsis is above 70km(probably 75 or so is better if you can, so you have some margin for error) and then 15-30 seconds before you reach that apoapsis, burn prograde until your periapsis is also above 70.  Of course, make sure you save at least a little bit of fuel so you can lower that periapsis back below 70 and reenter.

Even getting to the Mun isn't that bad without nodes.  Get into a stable orbit and burn prograde at Munrise and you'll probably end up with an encounter.  But having the nodes will certainly make this much easier.

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To answer your question; The easiest way for you to get that upgrade is to adjust your funds. I believe you'll need 200,000 in order to get the second upgrade. Though, if you find you'd like to buy that building without doing missions, you'll probably want to buy the next tier launch pad & VAB also, so i'd just adjust funds to 500k.

And as mentioned above, you can get into orbit "manually", if you hit M you can see where your orbit/trajectory is taking you. Continue to fly prograde (yellow circle on the navball) while in space, and you'll reach orbit eventually (given enough speed and fuel).

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While you can get to the Mun and Minmus without manoeuvre nodes, you probably don't want to try.. As well as nodes the upgrade also gives you 'patched conics' - that is, the map will be able to show you where you will be once you've entered the moon's gravity field - this is probably more important than nodes if you're flying to either of the moons with a limited dV budget.   Good luck and welcome to the KSP!


Edited by Wemb
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