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Science End Game: Unlocking Mysteries with Science! Discoveries

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This is an idea I suggested long ago for feedback purposes and haven't seen anybody take it up.  I was going to try to make the mod myself but life got in the way.  There's still a chance I might give it a go but my experience with C# and Unity is null.  


So it's simple.  Instead of Science points merely unlocking tech they are also used (and fill up a % or progress bar) for each individual planetary body.  Milestones become unlocked the more Science is gathered (from various biomes and such).  Perhaps at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.  At each milestone some new, interesting information is gathered about the planetary body with the final result being more complete knowledge.

Real life example:  Our work on determining if Mars has had past life or even current life.  As more research is performed, more information comes in.  Ex for Mars:  0%:  Visual evidence of ancient water flow, rivers, etc.  25%:  Discovery of possible flowing water and ice.  50%:  Chemical confirmation of water currently in addition to organics.  75%:  Complex organics discovered, large underground liquid water source.  100%:  Past life confirmed!  Fossils discovered!

There would be some randomness to each planetary body.  Each may have numerous forking paths to different discoveries, making no two players have the same discovery.  Essentially, at first each body will have an associated scientific mystery that will be slowly uncovered.  (Mystery will be chosen from a list for each body, then the discoveries chained together.  Some discoveries may work for multiple mysteries.  This I have worked out a bit already and it can reasonably allow 3-5 mysteries per body, using about 32 possible combos of discoveries)   Rewards will be given in Rep and $.  The % will work from total possible science points from each body.  (not 100% total, maybe 80-90% to prevent crazy grinding).

Future possibilities include integration with other science mods, allowing specific instruments to accelerate the progress (if instrument detected and used, it adds bonus to to discovery % beyond science points).  Also future possibilites include a full-on Research Program where Kerbal scientists can be assigned to certain mysteries to accelerate them and be rewarded with Exp!  Downside may be the Kerbal cannot fly missions.

If this intrigues anybody let me know.  If any modder with more experience wants to take this lil idea up go for it.

Summary:  *Planetary Body X*.  *Discovery Progress*:  x%/fraction of science points  *Scientific Mystery Progress*:  x%/total science points

4 Discoveries per Mystery.  Uncovering mystery gives Rep + Funds based on planetary body importance plus a Congrats message!  


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Thanks!  Here's a few possible example "scientific mysteries" for some of the Kerbol bodies.

Minmus:  Where did Minmus come from and what exactly is it made of?

Mun:  Did the Mun form recently (the Kerbin basin) or long ago?

Kerbin:  When did the Great Basin form?  Did the impact destroy all life in the past?

Moho:  Does Moho have cycles of volcanism?

Eve:  Does Eve have some form of exotic life in it's strange oceans?  or

      How did Eve get it's strange oceans and atmosphere?

Duna:  Was Duna once habitable? or

      Does Duna have trapped water under it's surface?

Laythe:  Does Laythe have life?

Etc etc etc.  Each body could have multiple mysteries, one chosen randomly per game.  Some may even link to each other..  say if you get the Mun formation from Kerbin basin you will automatically get the Kerbin Basin mystery as well.

These are just examples.  They would of course be a bit more Kerbalized.

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