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NASA Launch Audio for KSP Launch


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On 4/29/2016 at 1:40 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

So you want to have a Mission Control spoken launch?

Well there is/was a mod for that (don't know if it's still around).

But if your wanting more, I was also thinking of doing it with the help of the Real Space Program (link in sig).

Actually, what I really want to do is slice that audio up into smaller clips, and use kOS to play the each clip during the countdown at the right times. I want to kOS to slowly gimbal the engines just before startup like they did too, turn on and off SAS and some other random flight systems 'checks', and I'd like to build a better sound suppression system. All just to make a better launch video.

But unfortunately, right now kOS doesn't allow for custom audio clips. Supposedly it's an oft-requested feature, so hopefuly they'll give in and implement it soon.

Also, sorry I never saw your reply till just now.

Edited by blorgon
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6 hours ago, blorgon said:

Actually, what I really want to do is slice that audio up into smaller clips, and use kOS to play the each clip during the countdown at the right times. I want to kOS to slowly gimbal the engines just before startup like they did too, turn on and off SAS and some other random flight systems 'checks', and I'd like to build a better sound suppression system. All just to make a better launch video.

But unfortunately, right now kOS doesn't allow for custom audio clips. Supposedly it's an oft-requested feature, so hopefuly they'll give in and implement it soon.

Also, sorry I never saw your reply till just now.

That's a bit beyond kOS and venturing into modding territory. As to the checks, it's possible but difficult.

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9 hours ago, blorgon said:

But unfortunately, right now kOS doesn't allow for custom audio clips. Supposedly it's an oft-requested feature, so hopefuly they'll give in and implement it soon.

Actually, the reason I haven't gotten around to implementing it in kOS is specifically because it's NOT an oft-requested feature.  It just something I wanted for myself.  There's no public will to be giving in TO here. Quite the opposite.  I'm holding back on doing it because there's other things that *are* being requested much more often and they take precedence.

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6 hours ago, Steven Mading said:

Actually, the reason I haven't gotten around to implementing it in kOS is specifically because it's NOT an oft-requested feature.  It just something I wanted for myself.  There's no public will to be giving in TO here. Quite the opposite.  I'm holding back on doing it because there's other things that *are* being requested much more often and they take precedence.

Not sure why you're getting defensive. I posted in the subreddit about a month ago, and two of the devs specifically said it was an oft-requested and that they'd discussed it several times, which is why I mentioned it here. It's obviously a novelty though, so I don't expect it to get much attention, and I'm totally fine with that. More wishful thinking than anything, but by no means am I complaining about it not being a feature.

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