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Krometheus - Another Kerbal Odyssey


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Another space agency documentation.

Major Goal: Unlock all Technologies and create meanwhile an solar exploiting Society. Always in thought of financial/possible aspects and secure travelling.

Starts from the beginning, is well structured and documented (not every tiny Mission is posted here). Standard boundary conditions & mods (list available) to play realistically.

Agency Structure:

Kerbin Aeronautics and Space Administration - KASA
division tag description
Kerbal Exploration and Operations Directorate - KEO
Space Launch Systems SLS lifter development
Advanced Spacecraft Systems ASS spacecraft prototype developing & demonstrating 
Space Communication and Navigation SCaN communication systems
Space Life and Physical Sciences Research SLPSR scientific research in support of manned space flight
Launch Services LS support for other directorates & commercial sector
Science Mission Directorate - SMD
Research Technology RT technology development
Kerbin Science KSCI research-observation related to Kerbin
Planetary Science PSCI planets exploration
Astrophysics ASTRO discover the universe
Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate - ARMD
Advanced Air Transport Technology AATT aircraft development
Leading Edge Aero Research LEAR aircraft-concepts development - VTOL's - UAV's
Airspace Technology Demonstrations  ATD technology developing & demonstration
Flight Demonstrations and Capabilities FDC support for other directorates & commercial sector



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Each Division supports Programs to receive an allocation of income and expenses. Programs consist of several Missions to achieve their goals.

Programs and Missions will be partially skipped (apart major goals). As long as up to a status, as the current progress is achieved.

... to be continued (multiple mods are not updated so far)



Edited by Krobinson
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