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Two labs on Orbital Station data transfer ?


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I am playing a slow paced hard career and asside no revert the science, ore and other gains are diminished.

So I did make a station with small docking ports at first. Now I did build on it and can add a lab with more stable connection (normal docking port). My small docked lab is full of experiements. 740/750. My new one is half full. 300/750.

Can I transfer the experiments from lab 1 to lab 2, then decide if I want to split my station into 2 or deorbit the first lab ? Or should I wait for the experiments to eventually finish ?


The reason I want to simply switch to normal docking port lab is because I almost got attacked by Kraken and barely avoided disaster by disabling almost all the SAS Reaction wheels. Since the option to load is not available to me I would like to avoid having to rescue kerbals / lose kerbals / clean debris.


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No, this cannot be possible. Each lab keeps a list of which experiments have been processed into data already -- because you can only process each experiment once per lab. If you could process on one, and then move the data to another, then you could defeat the limit.

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