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Noob Question Here. Help!!!

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Left and right square brackets -  [  and  ] 

If your keyboard puts them in a strange place, you need to switch to US keyboard before starting the game, which puts them between P and carriage return.

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1 hour ago, JNA Space Program said:

How can i switch to a another craft or object when u decouple them

Judging from your name you're using balkan keyboard,so the right keys are "Š" and/or "Đ".

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11 minutes ago, sebi.zzr said:

Judging from your name you're using balkan keyboard,so the right keys are "Š" and/or "Đ".

Yeah, I was wondering about that.

Unity made a (IMO) stupid decision in interpreting keyboard input, because it simply does not recognise foreign characters. Even the most basic and common accented characters (like "é") simply are not recognised.

So this means that the only feasible way to play a game with a foreign keyboard is to tell the OS that it's a US or similar keyboard. In your case, for example, you simply cannot try to bind "Š" and/or "Đ" in the key binding settings.

To me, this was a short-sighted decision made by the original developers who didn't realise there was a world out there that doesn't use the English language by default...

Oh and of course, you have to tell the OS it's a US keyboard before starting up the game, for some reason. Though on the plus side you can switch back to your real keyboard as soon as the game has started - flight and VAB keys work but you can type in text boxes in your own language.

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5 minutes ago, Plusck said:

Yeah, I was wondering about that.

Unity made a (IMO) stupid decision in interpreting keyboard input, because it simply does not recognise foreign characters. Even the most basic and common accented characters (like "é") simply are not recognised.

So this means that the only feasible way to play a game with a foreign keyboard is to tell the OS that it's a US or similar keyboard. In your case, for example, you simply cannot try to bind "Š" and/or "Đ" in the key binding settings.

To me, this was a short-sighted decision made by the original developers who didn't realise there was a world out there that doesn't use the English language by default...

Yes,i'm also using balkan layout (slovenian to be precise) on my keyboard (which is set in OS),but the keys are at the same position as on US layout,only the signs on the keys are different,The only two keys i have to rebind in settings.cfg are "Z" and "Y" which are switched,so i can have full/zero throttle keys next to each other.And obviously i have to use different signs(at least most of them).

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