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REQ: VAB high contrast part highlighting, VAB high contrast interior walls


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I am looking for a mod that will make working inside the VAB easier on my eyes. Two things. First, I'd like to be able to make the interior walls of the VAB a flat color or texture. A shade of light blue, perhaps. The vanilla VAB walls and windows do not provide enough contrast with the color of the rocket parts for my eyes. That busy vanilla wall texture in the background often times makes it difficult for me to see with great detail what I am crafting. So often I find myself rotating the camera to line up a part with a flatter part of the background so I can see what I am doing. When I take the vessel outside in the day, I can see details much better with the flat sky in the background. That is why I suggested a light blue flat color or texture for the interior walls of the VAB. User-defined colors or textures would be a bonus.

Second, but equally important to my eyes, I'd like to have a higher contrast in the highlighted part. Allow me to explain. While crafting, I routinely check staging by hovering my mouse cursor over the stage icon on the lower right, and doing so applies a highlight to the parts in that stage. That highlight is such a pale and transparent green that I often cannot tell which part is being highlighted unless I zoom way in. I would love to be able to change that highlight to something like a solid red or any color that provides a great contrast to the parts themselves.

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