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Science Mission to Duna

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After the initial two expeditions have..well..gone awry shall we say, I decided I should invest some time in science exploration ( and totally not because I stranded Jeb and Patrod) 


First attempt, Unfortunately MechJeb hada seizure and directed this rocket neatly into some poor Kerbal's backyard



Attempt Two, This time Mechjeb managed to clear it's aneurysm and help me get to a stable 500km orbit



After a brief 3 year wait, it was time to blast into Kerbol's outers and intercept my target; Duna



And I only missed by a little bit!



Although, some "slight redirection" was required in order to "avoid minor mishaps"



Now to just get this sucker into a Polar orbit and start scanning!



After the scan finished, I had a low-res telemetry of Duna



Here we see the locations and situations of my Kerbals



With that over with, I decided I had enough fuel to scan Ike while I was at it



And here we see my fuel after a completed Intercept and Polar orbit



And finally, "You Dun Goof'd" met a hero's end on the highlands of Duna's once solitary satellite




and even after all that, I still don't have enough science saved up to get these guys back home


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