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Colliders and fairing questions

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A few questions, i have today. I'm trying to setup fairings for the FFR rocket mesh i'm doing. I have parts named correctly in Unity and the name matches in the cfg file. Enabling and disabling them makes them show up and disappear within KSP but if i try to separate them they just sit there. they have ejection force but no colliders as stock game ones didn't appear to use them either. Searches haven't been terribly helpful. Any ideas?

Second question I'm pretty sure i know the answer to already. Is there any way without setting it up as a ton of smaller colliders to do a hollow centrifuge you can walk (or drive) in. I've been working on a large scale one but colliders quickly start doing strange things.Like ejecting Kerbals at escape velocity.


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So you mean an engine cover/Interstage/jettisonable thingy?!


		name = ModuleJettison
		jettisonName = fairing
		bottomNodeName = bottom
		isFairing = True
		jettisonedObjectMass = 0.1
		jettisonForce = 5
		jettisonDirection = 0 0 1


You can play with isFairing, as this determines if the fairing stays attached to the part that was connected to the Node specified in bottomNodename or disconnects as debris.

also check if the bottomNodename is correct (correctly defined and aligned), if the jettisionDirection is correct. You could post your cfg for us to check.


2) no. Just an arrangement of small, convex meshes (or boxes).

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1 hour ago, InsaneDruid said:

So you mean an engine cover/Interstage/jettisonable thingy?!

You can play with isFairing, as this determines if the fairing stays attached to the part that was connected to the Node specified in bottomNodename or disconnects as debris.

also check if the bottomNodename is correct (correctly defined and aligned), if the jettisionDirection is correct. You could post your cfg for us to check.


2) no. Just an arrangement of small, convex meshes (or boxes).

Yes. THanks for the clarification, i was a little confused by the isFairing option.

Well I feel really stupid. That was the problem. I might have figured it out if i tested it in space. :)


Thats what i've been doing it as, I'm still having issues with it though, I read somewhere in unity that it could be done differently by not setting convex on but that appears to have no effect whatsoever.
Not sure if i'm still doing something wrong, or KSP has issues with large colliders. Seems to work correctly on the ground, but in space things will explode if they just barely touch it or sometimes are even just in proximity..

Edited by SpaceMouse
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The colliders have to have enough room to fit a 1m diameter sphere with some padding.. use Box colliders to approximate the ring, 2~3 radial ring segments per collider, more radial segments per collider (less total colliders) if you can stand the floating. as a quick example, you have a 50m diameter centrifuge with 1.25m tube diameter; 32 radial segments at 12 tube sides; you'll be looking at setting up at least 16x6=96 box colliders (32x12=384 for to match geometry exactly), that is just for the tube, plus colliders for the structural elements, 3 to 6 reasonably. You'd want some overlap between the colliders so there's no slipping through.


Edited by nli2work
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7 hours ago, nli2work said:

The colliders have to have enough room to fit a 1m diameter sphere with some padding.. use Box colliders to approximate the ring, 2~3 radial ring segments per collider, more radial segments per collider (less total colliders) if you can stand the floating. as a quick example, you have a 50m diameter centrifuge with 1.25m tube diameter; 32 radial segments at 12 tube sides; you'll be looking at setting up at least 16x6=96 box colliders (32x12=384 for to match geometry exactly), that is just for the tube, plus colliders for the structural elements, 3 to 6 reasonably. You'd want some overlap between the colliders so there's no slipping through.


Hmmm, a tad confused. The collider itself has to be able to fit a 1M diamater sphere? I have the part subdivided into 8ths so it can be sent into space the correct way, (and you know, slightly less colliders to set up. It's just a hollow shell. Picture follows. It has grown 10% since this pic.

Currently each segment uses 21 colliders.

It currently has some overlap between each, the problem is wierd things happen when things bump into it in orbit. Appears to work normally on the ground.

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if you were making a tube around the edge of the centrifuge, the tube would have to be hollow if you want kerbals to move inside... the hollow volume have to be at least ~1.25m in diameter so kerbals can pass through without accidentally clipping through any colliders. The numbers I used was for the entire circumference. you have 8 segments, each with 21 colliders, that's 168 colliders for the entire circumference, plus the other parts you got attached to it. close 200 altogether for whats in the screen cap. should be okay.


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2 hours ago, nli2work said:

if you were making a tube around the edge of the centrifuge, the tube would have to be hollow if you want kerbals to move inside... the hollow volume have to be at least ~1.25m in diameter so kerbals can pass through without accidentally clipping through any colliders. The numbers I used was for the entire circumference. you have 8 segments, each with 21 colliders, that's 168 colliders for the entire circumference, plus the other parts you got attached to it. close 200 altogether for whats in the screen cap. should be okay.


I sized it around a 3.25m tank and then scaled it up slightly. A Kerbal definitely fits in it fine. Things however go very bad when you bump into it.

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what kind of collider are you using? I just made one... probably 80m across. 11 box colliders per segment, 6 segments. no problems. Won't be able to walk or drive on it. but other than that it's doable. kerbals or anything with mass will stick inside of it as long as you don't time warp.

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57 minutes ago, NecroBones said:


Are they mesh colliders? If so, did you mark them as "Convex"? Strange things will happen if they're not convex.


Some of the mildly more complex shapes i used mesh colliders. most of the actual surface i used box colliders. the mesh colliders are all marked convex.

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