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Wheel auto-strutting


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So I was quite busy since the release of 1.1, and I just got back to it yesterday.

In 1.05, I had developed a plane that could launch and recover 2.5m rovers from a mk3 cargobay/mk3cargoramp. I used ruggedized wheels with the offset tool partially clipping into the payload, and a 2nd topside docking port to stabilize the inline connection to prevent wheels clipping through the bottom after the docking ports connected.

1.1 broke this, as the ruggedized wheels no longer functioned.

RL stuff happened, and I come back to 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 before I can attempt to fix the deisgn... I guess there's some wheel blocking or something now... due to the tight confines, I have to use multiple of the smallest wheel variety (which is now more durable in many ways... I couldn't use them before for heavy loads, one wheel would break, then another, and another, and they'd all instantly break after repair) - fine

Then I fine that my rover is amazingly stable after the docking port connects... no issues with wheels clipping though the bottom after the docking port connects... I can even discard the 2nd docking connection... great... But this stability is there even if I have the bay upside down and open the doors... that payload doesn't budge despite only 1 docking connection. I see in the changelog that there is some "auto strut"feature on wheels now?

So far, it seems great, and has made deploying and retreiving rovers from a cargobay much easier... but I think its going to be exploited... have a part flopping around? put some wheels on it.. inside a cargobay... the wheels will autostrut to the most massive vessel part and make it more rigid... even inside cargobays (dragless FTW!)?

Do I understand this right? how does it determine the most massive part if there are two of equal mass? does it strut to the first one listed on the craft file? The one closest to it on the part "tree" (since craft files have a branching tree structure)? seems to me like there could be some symetry breaking bug here?

What can you guys tell me about the wheel auto strut feature? so far its working "as intended" for me as I'm using it only for rovers, but is anyone using this to stabilize docking connections, to make dragless struts, or exploiting it in some other way other than what was presumably intended?

I want to deploy these rovers and the rover carriers in my career game, but I'm hesitant as I've invested a lot in the save, and I don't want to send these on their way to jool to have them be broken by a reversion of this autostrut feature by an update before they get there.

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