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As a plumber and not a programer the way I am asked to report bugs does not work for stupid me.

I am told to go through several menus and file things to get the right info. When I have been bothered to do the stressful stuff it has not worked and I have eventually had to work around it to just post the stuff on here.

Can I suggest that we have a control/alt/b key stroke thingy to alllow the complete proper files to be automatically selected with a box to type in the problem.

This way I get to have my wheels go round and you get to have the report in the correct format!

Edited by Tim_the_Plumber
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1 minute ago, Tim_the_Plumber said:

Is that part of KSP or something else?

Its another game, but the bug reporting is built into the game like you suggest.  It avoid the issue of having game players use programmer and customer service tools to report bugs.  Unlike KSP, where you have to report bugs through a programmer tool that isn't designed for the everyday user.  It's the difference between a game developer that knows what they are doing and a game developer that is just making it up as they go along.


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Yeah, thats' the kind of thing that would make it possible for me to actuall yreport a bug in a way that would be good for the game programmers as it would not be half done by a plumber who hates such computer things and would work!


Then I could play the game again as my wheels might bloody work!!

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Just do the best you can with the tracker. Don't worry about priority or category too much, just focus on getting your reproduction steps for the bug as clear as possible and include screenshots and the log. A "half done" bug report is better than none at all.

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The tracker is where KSP bugs are reported: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp

"Reproduction steps" are the description of how to make the bug happen.

No one is expected to report bugs, it's completely voluntary. If someone does volunteer to report them, then it is preferred that the reports be submitted in the format that is most useful for the developers, and that means using the tracker.

Some people choose not to report bugs for a variety of reasons (some don't want to register on the tracker; some feel it is work that they should be paid for; some lack the technical skills to provide the documentation; or some even just prefer to complain about bugs rather than help fix them). All that is fine, no one is obligated to participate in the process.


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Thanks, I have detected several issues but I didn't know there was a tracker. I saw in this forum several ways to submit issues, but they seemed to me cumbersome, and more oriented to help between users.

I will check if they're reported and if not, I'll try to submit some.


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