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Primordial Soup, Whemans ratio praticing diving and sensitive to flow concern, current generator, moon generator

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9 minutes ago, WinkAllKerb'' said:

well i heard a rumor some of the fauna on earth got a compass in the head , might be related to some default dna at birth

according to combination and statistic, well it could happen thing rearrange the same way elsewhere, like for exmaple let's say a "biped", after all why not if even an "inferior"(????) animal could do it ... *shrug*

dna is like lotery, aside the fact you don't choose the number, it's a random roll that evolve slowly amongst time

The problem is that the Earths core does not create a pretty or constant set of field lines, so animals that navigate by magnetic cues must also use other cues, such as land marks 


Otherwise long lived animals might end up migrating to a place with no land or migrating into the side of a mountain. 

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my personnal favorit especially apllied to mars, pluto or any others celestial bodies daycyle and gravity and moon(s) ... away from the solar system ...

42 and BB see C

(( (( yup yup the galaxy sized computer thread ... )) *shrug* ))

fish swim, bird fly sometime they do it alone sometime not

classic orchestra are nice maestro but you need to repeat and interpret at first while is instinctive for some others without the tediousness of repeat and interpretation of the original partition

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Yea.... I don't understand most of what he says, but sometimes I get the general idea...

but I get that he's autistic, and he wants us to try and see things from his side... that 2nd part I'm slightly less sure about, or how he would expect us to do it

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no idea ... but well ... a few days ago i typed a random number sequencies chain, then asked google,  and ended in the iiris network echerechia coli arn sequencies ... so ... it' kinda like saying "feeling" are not an exact science due to amount of "inter/entrelaced" stimuli and "n"tmf* process approach ... not like if i could write a notice myself ...

see dtmf with an infinity of layers not only two ... might be slighty more complicated than it may appear ... for my part i try to focus on keeping the few sanity i still have and find the sleep and appetite again (for 7 years now not rare i stay awake more than 36 48hours, sometime sleeping only 2 4 between, not rare i eat a sandwich every 1day and half ... so ... from my point of view ... most people daily concerns ... i feel much closer to the friend in the video a few post ago than most others biped)


most sciency rationnal explain: part of some others dna chain, bat/dolphin , ants, cats, dogs whatever ... and there specific behaviour or "competence"-"specialities"


basically "autist fiber spectrum" <=> hypersensibilities to some specific stimuli like some others being on earth ...

deep autism ... hypersensitivities , hypersensibilites a lot ... not sure they need some pills ...


also i will repeat but close to me i have a friend older 1 year than me wich is pretty deep autist let's say 75% 25% or so (he also has a leucemia ... sometime wonder in the metro for days and eat garbage etc ... fun ...) ... i noticed that his "toc" stop when i change my attitude and reformulate what i say ...

wich i explain by the fact he feel something wrong in me ... and express it with toc ... work on my attitude not his and he stop to have toc ... so yup, autist probably don't need chemical pills while some others biped ...

i consider myself 49% 51% ... or so


my suggestion spend time with autist person ... if they toc when your are close to them ... think about it (this il aslo where jung is probably closer to the truth than freud)

freud exchange market and profit, f*** mommy ... k**** daddy 1929 colonial model legacy or alike
jung ah well jung is a mystic ... he talk about a global species shared consciouness ... or ability to feel some stuff ... like some other being already do


when your perma-flooded with strong"feeling" also there lot of others basics you can't do ... on the other hand you experience thing other don't
Also i m not really a pharma lobbies friend ... sometime i consider they should eat their pills themselve ... could help but they 'a large part of them and their pet) tend to consider it solve everithing @100% sytematically wich is totally wrong


the earth is magnetically bi polar for a reason, the moon mirror the sun waves and moves the ocean for a reason. over medication won't solve earth matter ...
same apply to "autist fiber spectrum" persons, heal yourself, not us ... you're probably more sick than we are because you can't feel the earth as we do
like if we don't feel our load of pain each day, to add silly mole in our brain that solve nothing ...

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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Ah I see another issue... it seems WinkAllKerb is a French speaker, so there's an additional language barrier.

"arn sequencies"  - RNA sequences, due to french grammar, RNA becomes ARN.

I wasn't sure what he meant by "toc" I googled it, and it must be:



ie, OCD behaviors. So given that he's using these French acronyms, I'm guessing he's also not as comfortable with English, which compounds the problem.

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yup, lately they changed and enlarged the "nomenclature" (naming) for general public and communication concern also:




wich include a large range of stuff with similar behaviour (correlation) ... (fg syndrome, autism "autisitic fiber spectrum", etc .and etc ...)


but from my own "insider" experience with medication and all, medics corporation individuals and pharma lobbies  not sure who's sick and who's not ...

notice that  "autisitic fiber spectrum" could sometime be kinda close to "n"tmf process (statiistic "n" dimmensionnal correlative approach mutli/super threading ), strong feeling and hypersensitivites, sensibilities (think bat, dolphin infrasound or ants pheromon or else ...), kinda close to "mentat" in dune on some aspect per socio-psycho metaphor (human calculator) and aside the scientotralalala stuff ...

anyway flow generators (current / gravitationnal) are underated actually imho ...

[insert super lobbies song here and worker relocation + "maintenance" + potential combo of such platform (wind, solar, thermo, hostel, oyster perles, see farm, coral reef resplenish at constant depht // global warming & planet core tectonic fossil fuel resplenish , synthesis fuel and atmo etc. & etc. energy whenever if we land somewhere with liquids very very very later (eventually far from system star or low photon and cold, keppler ring sputnik planum anyone ? + easy landing / take off and else related as well kind of configuration) ]

wow this primordial soup first encounter rules look complex ...


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