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Problem with stock(1,0,5) physics. Proppeler

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Well proppeler just don't work. If i have no relative to ground speed it work perfecly but as i get eny speed it start working in wrong direction.


EDIT: I made a propeler that work up to 120 m/s but it is huge end very very unusable becouse of huge torque. Need more tests to be done to make more efficent shape.

Edited by tomtom100
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A propeller sends air backwards by the motion of its blades. The faster the propeller spins (or the higher the blade pitch, until stall) the faster the air is thrown backwards.

If your plane is going at a given speed, the propeller doesn't accelerate the air faster than if it was stationary since it spins at the same rate. For real propellers, this is not a problem since the propellers spin very quickly; but for a custom-KSP made propeller, there will be a speed at which your propeller doesn't produce any acceleration, and above that speed, it will even slow down your plane.

(Note that actual life is a bit more complicated, but this "speed of airflow" is a good approximation considering KSP's simple aerodynamic model)

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But as there is no such thing like actual air in KSP then why my plopeler start making lifting force in wrong direction as i move even at 0,5m/s. Drag should increase with speed. But why the side on which lifting force is created change. I know how real plane works, but well KSP dont use real physics, that's why i ask. Custom made proppeler in KSP produce forward lift it do not accelerate in any way air.

EDIT: I made a propeler that work up to 120 m/s but it is huge end very very unusable becouse of huge torque. Need more tests to be done to make more efficent shape.

Edited by tomtom100
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