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Tech Tree request


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I was wondering if there was already a tech tree that did this or if someone could make one, but I kinda want a tech tree that already has basic airplane tech unlocked at the beginning of career (including control surfaces for rockets and not just fixed fins)  basically just everything that actually existed in the early years of the space race.  I get that the stock game is trying to ease new players into the game, but I figure that if we are modding our game we already know what we are doing.

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Both SETI and ETT put Firespitter Biplane parts (primitive airplane) at the very beginning of tech tree (but not "Start" node IIRC). A single probe launch will suffice for opening.

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This is actually a very simple tweak you can make yourself, using Module Manager.

Create an empty text file (for example using notepad), change its file extension to .cfg, give it any name you want, and paste the following into it:

	@TechRequired = start

Now, all you need to do is replace "part1", "part2" and so on with internal part names of actual parts. You can make this list arbitrarily long.

Which parts should you put there? Whichever ones you want! Browse to GameData\Squad\Parts, find the part config for each part you care about having available at the start of the game, and find its internal part name near the top where it says "name = <something>".

You can also add modded parts to that list. It works exactly the same way.


Edited by Streetwind
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