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Science lab seems to require duplicates of experiments

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Hello, I've been playing Kerbal since 1.02 and I'm asking if the science mechanics have changed.  Now it seems, experiments that go into lab processing becoming unrecoverable and if I desire to recover that data back to kerbin I need to obtain a second copy of it.  These two images will explain what I mean, using xscience you can see once I put the temperature data into the lab, it is removed and if I wish to recover it at home I have to run the science again.  One for the lab, and one to take back home.  In the past it never worked this way, I used to be able to put an experiment in the lab and it would still be recoverable to take home.  I've created an orbital station on the Mun, and if I need to run two trips to each biome instead of one, this is going to get extremely tedious.  I'm just wondering have the mechanics changed and is this intended?


Edited by ScubaSteveWA
Thanks for the response! A little disappointing, but makes sense.
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Alternately, you can take two of each experiment, recover one, and process the other.  Or you can transmit to get some of the data while you are still landed/low-in-space/whatever, at least for the rerunnable experiments.

Furthermore, if you have a lab handy, it does still clean experiments, so you can at least use the same Goo pods over and over without needing to trick a scientist into trying to fly so you can restore them on the ground.

On the other hand, the Mun has fifteen biomes.  That's the most of any body in all of KSP and is asking a lot from even the most dedicated hop enthusiast.  You may be best off doing what some of us did pre-1.0:  design a lander that incorporates a lab.  If the lab still can hold multiple identical copies of experiments (I have not verified this in 1.1.2) then you can take as many of various reports as you need, process the ones you want, store the others for Kerbin recovery, clean out the one-time experiments, and run them again until you completely strip-mine the biome.  In all honesty, though, that is a task likely better suited to a rover than a hopper.

Edited by Zhetaan
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