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Suggestion: 'Wheel Blocked' tooltip in VAB/SPH

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Ok, so I know the blocked/collision box issue for wheels is being addressed in upcoming patches, but this is a relatively minor thing that would save (me at least) a lot of grief in the meanwhile and probably thereafter too.

Basically, as things are, you only get to find out if your wheels are being blocked by launching the rover and trying it out. If you right-click on the wheels at this point, the first line of the tooltip tells you whether the wheel is being blocked. If you do the same in the VAB/SPH, that entry isn't present on the tooltip.

So my suggestion is simply to activate this part of the tooltip inside the VAB/SPH. This would allow you to see and solve the problem without having to leave the editor after every tiny adjustment to check whether you've made enough room yet.

Edited by The_Rocketeer
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Good suggestion! Alternatively you could use the info box which also displays other potential issues. I was suprised to find out that the "blocked Wheel" issue isn't displayed there.

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