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My "collection" of my Accidental Renaissance pictures


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Most of these pictures come from https://www.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRenaissance/, which provides pretty interesting dramatic Renaissance-y, mostly consisting out pictures of (dramatic) riot police and refugee pictures but also many other themes (of course). 

So far this is my "collection" of Accidental Renaissance pictures and I'll add some more riot police pictures soon-ish.

Fitting (serious) captions would be very appreciated: 



Edited by ToukieToucan
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Hmmm the one with the women mourning the dead guy strikes me as a fit, some are a bit of a stretch though, in terms of feeling like a Renaissance painting (I've always felt the Baroque period was superior). Actually, the image I mentioned has more of a Baroque feel, it was a much more dramatic period.

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The doctor sitting next to the dead guy is also a dramatic scene. The one in the corner exhausted and the look of the doctor says it all: have done everything I could. I also like the Ferrari pit crew during the pit stop of Micheal Schumacher. The red color on the grey background gives the picture something special.   

Edited by Kidinspace
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Weird how you named some of them. Apollo's chariot, for example, doesn't have 1000 horses, whose legs work at 15,000 gallops per minute. Apollo also doesn't feed his horses with alcohol and gasoline, and doesn't have a pit crew. :P

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