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Aircraft/Rocket/etc stuck in midair on launch (Outdated and fixed)

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I've been wondering why and which is infuriating to me but, I always make something on my game and the craft just sits there. No matter how hard I try to move it even with Vessel mover and such. I have tried to reinstall and re-put the mods in but.. Eh.. the game seems to leave my craft there no matter what. Oh and I always crash in hangar while building something, like as if the game builds up ram and purposely crashes. Mods I currently have installed. Here's a image of my staying still issue below, by the way this is a Steam installed KSP I run. (KSP Version 1.1.2)


PS, I'm new here so I might need help on how to give logs and such.


Partially some SXT parts, FAR, (Modified to work for 1.1.2) KAX, Tweakscale, Take command, KIS, CRP (Community Resource Pack), BDArmory, Mouse Aim Flight, ModRocketSysLite, Vessel Mover , Aviator Arsenal, And Module Manager 2.6.24.

Edited by BlueNightfury00786
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