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Asteroids are weird

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So I managed to intercept an asteroid, but when I got close to it, there was no texture, it was just black.  After a few clumsy attempts, I managed to snag it with the claw, at which point my ship started - and this is the only word I can really describe this with - vibrating.  I managed to swing the asteroid into a 200X200.  I de-orbited my intercept ship and sent up a mining ship to start cooking up some rocket fuel, and after capturing the black blob with the claw again, I couldn't do anything.  My ship showed as "landed", but I couldn't go back to the tracking station because the game insisted my ship was moving across terrain.  

I'm not really sure where to go with this.  As you'll see in the log below, I'm playing with a couple of mods, including texture replacer and RSS.  Not sure if that makes a difference, but at this point I have this black mass orbiting above Earth with no way to do anything with it.  Any ideas?

EDIT: I tried to upload a log, but apparently it's huge.  I'll try again later when it's not 3:30 in the morning.

Edited by JJE64
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