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[SSTO] Omega Crew Transporter

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Omega Crew Transport

As part of my long-term cinematic project, the Omega Crew Transport was originally designed to ferry Kerbonauts from the transfer vessel to the surface of Laythe, and back up (once refueled). However, when one of the Kerbals (it was Jeb) discovered it was capable of also reaching LKO with 300m/s of Delta/V to spare, the Omega became a larger player in low-orbit operations

In terms of piloting, it's a fairly standard SSTO. It rotates at about 150m/s (watch those engines!), at which point it climbs to 11,000m to a speed of 1500m/s. Then, gradually pitch up to 40 degrees, which should turn into an Ap of 50km, which you can then boost to 75km with the RAPIERs in Closed Cycle. Once circularised, you can switch to the LV909 for on-orbit maneuvers.




Features include:

Not one, but two docking ports!

A probe core for unmanned piloting

Room for 6 Kerbals

Balanced RCS thrusters

A stylised LV909 for orbit adjustment

An all stock, sleek design!


Parts: 74

Mass: 41.696t

Height: 3.7m

Width: 8.2

Length: 16



Happy flying!

Edited by MrMeeb
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