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Multiple problems

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Cargo bays in b9 aerospace wont open or close. Tried deleting all mods and reinstalling them from fresh downloads, but now some of my saved ships wont load properly.  when i try to load a ship the load menu stays open as if i haven't loaded anything but the ship appears behind it and wont allow me to click on most parts. The game itself also keeps crashing and closing.

Mods used: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d55si6c7yla50ig/KSP Mods.txt?dl=0

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2uqq6zwgrv1325/output_log.txt?dl=0  


Edit: downloaded a more up to date version of b9 and the cargo bays and loading issue has been resolved. Only problem now is the game still crashes in the VAB

Edited by Dk115115
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