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Have you gone interplanetary?


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I forgot the youth is too cool for PrtScr these days.

FWIW, Interplanetary missions are the only reason I still play this game, and a new planet (or 10) would go a long way in keeping the game viable for me.

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I find this kind of a confusing poll. When you say "visited", does that mean 'landed on'? I consider myself as having 'visited' every body (save all the asteroids) in the system, Kerbol included. There are planets in KSP I've visited, as in orbited and done SCANsat for science, and planets I've landed probes on but not returned from, and moons which I've landed on and returned from both unmanned and manned. How do I make poll selections based on that?

Edited by LordFerret
can't type worth crap
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