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Longer-Term Missions

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I don't mean things like "put a station in orbit around Jool".  I mean things more like, "We will pay you xx,xxx a week to deliver at least xxx units of fuel per week to station y, up to a maximum of xx,xxx units per year".

Things like that.  Something persistently valuable, which can be tackled in big or small ways.

The strategies aren't much use without a steady paycheck, after all.  This sort of contract would allow players to last long enough to benefit from them.

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How about program/projects instead of strategies? They could have multiple objectives (NOT random) we would be able to pick ourselves.

So for example, if a Space Station Program was activated it would give missions directly influenced by the theme of the said program. That way we could have a station in orbit that we would maintain whenever and however we wanted, and wouldn't have to wait for another random contract to generate telling us to dock another orange tank to it.

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17 hours ago, Corona688 said:

  I mean things more like, "We will pay you xx,xxx a week to deliver at least xxx units of fuel per week to station y, up to a maximum of xx,xxx units per year".

A contract like that would get boring pretty fast since you'd just be doing the same mission over and over again.  Especially since it would severely limit your ability to use time warp when doing any other missions

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2 hours ago, Hodari said:

A contract like that would get boring pretty fast since you'd just be doing the same mission over and over again.  Especially since it would severely limit your ability to use time warp when doing any other missions

Until you realized you could ship them five times the weekly amount to be done for five weeks.

As I said, multiple ways to solve it,

Send a ship every week.

Send a bigger ship less often.

Send enough ships in advance you don't have to worry about it all the time.

Bring them the friggin' Magic Rock and do mining once in a while.


Missions that define a goal, not a machine.

Edited by Corona688
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