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PSA: How to make tourism reliable (and fun)


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I've heard a lot of complaints about how tourism contracts are all over the place and not very fun. However, i've found a way to make them more usable, successful, and centralised. In fact, they're the best get-rich-quick scheme in the game. If you follow these steps, you should have a WALL-E style space tourism business in no time!

Step 1- After you go to on a suborbital flight but before you go to orbit, accept as many tourism contracts as you can. The only thing tourists will want to do is go on suborbital flights. Once you get enough technology, you can have a little fun with these contracts, maybe by making some kind of virgin galactic/Xcor lynx style ship like this one here:


Destination: Suborbital space, and back to the runway for recovery

Tourist count: 4

Average time per flight: 10 min

Average earning per flight: $80,000


Step 2- After you go to the mun/minmus/both, but before you go to interplanetary space, accept as many tourism contracts as you can again. Tourists will most likely either want to go to the mun or minmus, and will pay a pretty penny for it. You could make some kind of massive space cruise liner at this point if you wanted, but i just did it quick and dirty with this planet hopping lander:


Destination: Land on Mun, Land on Minmus, return to kerbin for recovery

Tourist count: 12

Average time per flight: 2-3 hours

Average earning per flight: $800,000 or more (i told you it was profitable, right?)


So, yeah. Just putting it out there for anyone who wants to start a tourism enterprise. Heh.

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